Delivering the Duke of Cornwall Community Safety Awards
Experiences of delivering the programme

Cub Group - Home Award
Dan Cawse, leader of St Paul’s Cubs group in Maidstone delivered to the Home Award session.
“Our cub group thoroughly enjoyed completing the Home Award. We talked about different kinds of disasters, who would be affected, and any vulnerable people. We discussed local issues such as power lines around our Scout hut, previous flooding in Maidstone Town Centre and other risks such as local quarries and nearby motorways. We also talked about how we would find out information in an emergency by watching the news, listening to the radio or online.
"We talked through grab bags and emergency services and thinking about where we could be evacuated to. We also spent some time colouring, writing and drawing what we would pack in a grab bag. We then shared our ideas with each other and spoke about our pets and how we would care for them."
“Altogether, we had a great evening and the parent helpers were very impressed we were covering this topic. The cub’s took their grab bag ideas home to share with their families.”
Fire Cadets - Neighbourhood Award
Watch Manager Wayne Burney delivered Community Safety Award to eight Fire Cadets and the Neighbourhood Award to a group of 25 Faversham Sea Scouts:
“When we ran the Neighbourhood Award sessions with the Sea Scouts, their ideas of the ten most important things to grab changed after we spoke about what would happen if they lost a lot of the contents of their house due to floods, etc.
The young people were starting to think about identity documents such as bank cards, passports and driving licences to prove their identity, as well as insurance documents to help speed up the recovery process.”
“The Community Safety Award went well with the Fire Cadets. It complemented the information that we gave them about escape plans and what to think about in the event of a fire."

Rainbows - Home Award
Rainbows and Brownies Group leader Chelsea Poppy fed back on Duke of Cornwall Home Award sessions delivered to a group of 46 girls aged between 4 and11years.
“It was an overall success as the girls had a good knowledge of the basics, but we were able to expand on that.
“At the end of the meeting we did a roundup of what they learnt and did some quick-fire questions to see what they remembered. They recalled several items that were in a grab bag, the names of the emergency services and what do if in danger inside or out.
“They were all very pleased to receive their certificates for completing the award.”